Questions will be almost exclusively based on your CV and previous work experience, quite similar to the Phone Screen. There may also be some situation-based questions to gauge your motivation for the role and company. Once you clear the phone screen, you will be called for the onsite round. The onsite round for the aws cloud engineer consists of 4 rounds, 3 of which will be technical rounds and the last one will be an HR round each.

In database management, questions on data abstraction and data independence, database objects, multimedia database interfaces, categories of end-users, and use of DBMS in system software are commonly asked. Data Structures questions will check the clarity of your concepts. Questions will involve writing functions to implement various operations on data structures. Expect a good number of questions on arrays, stacks, and linked lists.

Interview Questions

OS questions will focus on OOPS, fundamentals of Operating systems. Topics like sockets, memory models and threads are very likely to be asked. Networking questions will focus on network architecture, lan, routers and so on. Also, expect questions on cloud computing since this will be the more focus of the role.

Be prepared to write algorithms involving these data structure types. You will act as the ‘Cloud Ambassador’ across all the cloud products, arming customers with the required tools & tactics to get the most out of their Product and Support investment.